7 home foods that you can feed dogs
When eating at the table, you might notice a pair of puppy eyes earnestly staring at you, waiting their turn to have the same food you are having. As dogs have a different digestive system from humans, some foods are unsafe for them, but some are safe to eat as well. So the next time you see those curious eyes staring back at you, feed them your food and also love. Human foods that are safe for dogs There are many everyday food items you can feed your dogs, but don’t forget that every breed isn’t the same. So any food that is given to them should be in moderation, ensuring they remain healthy and happy. Here are some of the human foods that are safe for dogs and puppies: Carrots Carrots are not only a good source of nutrients for humans but dogs as well. These veggies provide canines with vitamin A, which is incredibly good for their immune system, coat, and skin. Giving them pieces of carrot as a snack also makes sure they chew and remove the pieces of plaque from their teeth. Peanut butter Peanut butter is one of the tastiest treats for your puppies and dogs.