Top 3 ways to earn free money using cash apps
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The internet has made it significantly easier to make payments, receive cash transfers, and even earn money. For instance, one can simply use cash apps today to transfer money and get deals like cashback and offers on each transaction. The best part is that this is a perfectly legitimate way of getting some money. One can also consider these apps the preferred mode of payment to make quick cash with little to no effort. 1. Use a referral code Referral codes help one promote an app or software. Those who have just downloaded and installed cash apps on their phone can sign up with a referral code and earn some extra money immediately. Referral codes can mostly be found on certain dedicated sites online. Although different apps come with different amounts, people are likely to earn up to $5 when they sign up with a referral code on cash apps. Usually, these kinds of codes are a one-time benefit. So, those who may have used the code before or have already installed the app on other devices may be unable to redeem the code and earn referral money again. 2. Refer cash apps to others Cash apps encourage users to spread the word and get their friends and acquaintances to join the apps.